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Newcastle Jets CEO updates supporters in letter on ownership



In response to rumors regarding their ownership, Newcastle Jets CEO Shane Mattiske has sent a statement to the team’s supporters in the A-League.

“I wanted to provide some insight into the current selling process given that there has been a lot of speculation regarding the club over the last few days,” Mattiske stated.

“First off, it’s important to note that the football team’s current owners have always been temporary ones, with the intention of transferring ownership to a permanent figure in the future. We are aware that everyone involved with the club—fans, members, partners, players, and staff—is excited about the prospect of having a new, long-term owner.

We started a formal sale procedure in October with the help of Korda Mentha, one of our advisors.

“Even though this process has taken longer than anticipated, we are still very focused on finalizing the deal, and we have progressed talks with a number of partners.”

The Australian Professional Leagues (APL) and Korda Mentha are on board with the process, and we anticipate its completion shortly.

“As our women’s and men’s teams give it their all for this club in the remaining ALW and ALM contests, it is crucial that we all stay focused on doing our best to support them in the meantime.”



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